GoSlank User Experiences
Here you can read some of the experiences of our customers who, thanks to GoSlank, have successfully reached their target weight. Share your own experience by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Judith Smeets, -39 kg
"My name is Judith Smeets. I'm married and have a family with 3 kids. Early January 2015 I decided to lose weight, as I was weighing 120 kg. I was extremely motivated and had already adjusted my eating pattern. I also went for walks at least 3 times a week. In the beginning it went okay, I even lost 3 kg in the first month. But the next month my weight remained the same, I didn't lose a single gram. A colleague advised me to use GoSlank, which I started in March. The first week I could see myself becoming slimmer, but I waited patiently to weigh myself until the week had passed. When I got onto the scale I was flabbergasted: I had lost 3 kg is just one week! This made me very motivated to go on. The first month I lost 9 kg in total, and in the 18 weeks that followed another 30 kg. I now weigh 78 kg, and I never even dreamt of achieving this!"

"After I got married I slowly began to gain weight. Parties, social life and just eating what you like. I had a wonderful time, but after 1 year I realised that I had to do something about it. I didn't feel comfortable anymore and wasn't happy when I looked at myself in the mirror. I started to exercise, but this didn't give the result I wanted. I first got to know about GoSlank through an advertisement in the paper. When I read the positive reviews on the Internet, I decided to give it a try. When I started, my weight was 81 kg, and I secretly hoped to reach 60 kg. I felt a bit hungry during the first few days, because I didn't know exactly what I had to eat. But soon enough I got around to that and it became a lot easier. I was surprised at how good you can feel about yourself using GoSlank and when you eat in the right way. I lost 22 kg in 3 months. I'm now 59 kg, so even one kilo below by my target weight! I feel great and fitter than ever. My skin has also improved, I even get compliments from by beautician!"

"Even as a young girl I suffered from being overweight. It runs in the family, so no one really noticed, at least not within our own family. And honestly, I had already accepted that I was overweight. Until my brother, who shares the same genes with me, lost a huge amount of weight with GoSlank. He assured me that I would also succeed, and even gave me a jar to try it out. It took a few days to get used to the shakes, but I noticed really quickly through my clothes that I was losing weight. After three days I couldn't resist the urge of getting on the scales. I just had to see if there was any result already, and luckily there was. I had lost no less than 2 kg in such a short time! That was the moment I was totally convinced that GoSlank really works. I have lost 26 kg in 16 weeks. If I can do it, anyone can!"
Stefanie de Bruin, -18 kg
"With a weight of over 90 kg, I have been having health problems for many years. My cholesterol level was too high and I had pain in my knees and joints. My GP told me that I had to work on losing weight quickly. But how? I finally ended up with GoSlank. After consulting my GP, he considered GoSlank a reliable way to lose weight, as your body will get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Following the diet wasn't hard for me, everything was described clear and simple in the brochure. In 3.5 months I went from 96 kg to 78 kg. And besides that, I learned to be more conscious about what I eat. I know that some of the users lose weight faster, but considering my personal circumstances, this is a huge success. I never could have done it all by myself."

"For years I wanted to lose 20 kg. I tried so many different things, but without a real success. One shake didn't work at all, the other did, but tasted horribly and made me nauseous. My last attempt was GoSlank, and it hit the mark! I read an advertisement in the paper, but I had my doubts. Even so, I noticed quickly that this was something totally different than the other shakes. They tasted really good, so that was a good start! From the first day onwards I noticed a difference in my body. I didn't feel listless or tired, but actually very energetic. I had always been suffering from stomach complaints, but these also disappeared spontaneously! After 13 weeks I finally reached my goal. And even now, after 3 more months, I haven't gained a single gram. I still drink a shake in the morning to enhance my metabolism. I enjoy every moment and every compliment I get."

"After my pregnancy I had gained a lot of weight, and for the first time in my life, I weighed more than 80 kg. With my height of 1.68 m, this means that I'm quite overweight! Being a bit of a health freak, I chose the safest way to lose weight. I had already heard that GoSlank is a healthy and safe method for losing weight, and now I can confirm this from my own experience. I lost 21 kg in 3 months. I have a lot more energy, I have less pain in my joints, and I really see this as a new start in my life. I'm proud of my new body! My old clothes absolutely don't fit anymore and I enjoy going shopping again. The compliments I get, give me the motivation to never fall back into my old pattern."

"For fifteen years I used to do a lot of sports. Volleyball and running were my biggest passions. I had many training hours in those days, and an injury could hardly be avoided. I ended up with ruptured ligaments, which ended my sporting days abruptly. My body wasn't used to this inactivity, and I quickly began to gain weight. I sought for salvation in various diets and diet products, but nothing worked. Until I found GoSlank. In just 2 months I lost 17 kg. My self-confidence is back and I like looking in the mirror again!"

"My name is Nienke Kok, I'm 38 years old and I've been overweight for many years. After many years of dieting and regaining weight, I came across the GoSlank website while surfing on the Internet. The promises they made were big and a lot of people had lost weight successfully using these products. I consulted my GP and he also thought it was worth trying. I would never have thought that it was so easy to eat well and still lose weight! I lost 30 kg in 20 weeks, and my weight went down from 102 kg to 72 kg! My clothing size is seriously smaller and I literally don't fit into any of my old clothes. I have been working for the same company for 10 years, and even my colleagues are in shock! 3 of my colleagues have also started using GoSlank and they also have booked great results. Maybe it sounds crazy, but I'm enjoying life much more now. I feel better about myself and the attention I get now is absolutely amazing."

"I'm 63 years old, 1.54 metres and my weight was 92 kg. I have been trying to lose weight for years, but I couldn't succeed because my metabolism had become very slow over the years. So losing weight had become my priority as my other physical complaints such as joint pains were also mainly caused by being overweight. An advertisement in the newspaper brought me to GoSlank. It said that it would speed up the metabolism and that it could be used by people of all ages. I started using GoSlank on 7 June 2015. And what a great decision this has been! I lost 18 kg in 4 months. I have more energy, I'm fit and I feel like I can take on the world again. I can recommend GoSlank to everyone, especially people who have problems losing weight."

"Actually, I have never been really overweight, but with my height of 1.62 m and weight of 68 kg I didn't feel very happy. I've been going to the gym three times a week for years. My physical condition is excellent, but I hardly lost any weight. When I saw friends losing weight very quickly with GoSlank, I decided to go for it as well. The fact that the shakes taste really good was a relief. I already noticed during the first week that I felt less hungry and I lost 2 kg in my first week. After using GoSlank for 8 weeks I weighed 58 kg, and that was it, I had reached my target weight! I thought of doing it in 12 weeks, but I did it in 8! My body has never been more beautiful than right now!"

"Hi everybody, I have also reached my goal. It all started 5 months ago, when I was sick and tired of being overweight and started to use GoSlank. I had to lose 28 kg, and it seemed so much. I divided my goal in 'sub-goals' of 4 kg, which made it a bit more realistic to me. After one week I saw that I had already lost 2.8 kg! This gave my motivation a huge boost, and I immediately set the bar a bit higher. After two more weeks I had lost another 2.5 kg. My husband saw the results and wanted to join as well. That gave me even more motivation. In the end, I have lost 28 kg in 5 months. My husband lost 20 kg in 4 months. Our house has become a lot lighter now! As a slim and fit couple, we are complimented wherever we go."